Norton Firewall and Time Machine

Dear MAC Community, I have been unable to make TM backups work since engaging the Norton Firewall. I am running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) on a MAC PRO and using a Synology DS211 NAS as the backup volume. Both the Mac and the DS211 are wired to the router. This was working and the finder window still shows the shared volume for TM, but connection now fails. When I use the DS211 supplied file software, I can ‘download’ a file from the DS211 to my Mac Pro and it appears in the ‘download’ folder. how do I configure this to work automatically as Time Machine is designed to work without compromising the firewall? Thanks, Sasqwatch

When you attempt to perform a Time Machine backup, does your Norton Firewall show any connection blocks? You can open the Norton Firewall applicaiton, and click on the "View History" icon, and see if any activity has been blocked recently.


If there is somethign that is getting blocked when you perform a Time Machine backup, please post a screenshot of the log entry here.


After trying the above, please try disabling Connection Blocking in the Norton Firewall application. After doing so does the Time Machine backup complete? This will let us determine if Connection Blocking is the feature that is blocking the Time Machine.