Norton for Windows 10 - took my PC to its knees.

First and foremost I am very disappointed with Norton.  I have been hounded every day with Norton advertisement messages telling me to upgrade to Norton for windows 10.  I have been unable to shut down the messages. I even tried to edit the registry to prevent the endless stream of advertisements. This form of advertising is bullying the customer into submission. 

When I gave up trying to stop the annoying ads, I downloaded the software, and my system Win 8.1 crashed.  When I tried to restart my machine would flash from screen to screen with no way to fix the problem. After numerous attempts at safe mode hindered by screen flashing, I was able to uninstall Norton for win 10.  After more upgrade to Win 10 messages (endless) I tried the upgrade again.  This time I used the Norton removal tool.  After installation my biometric device was trashed, my startup takes 50-80% longer, my Chrome browser would not work without reinstall, and the whole system runs like a dog.

I feel like I have been ambushed by Norton... why would any company use bullying tactics to force a migration.  Particularly with all of the problems with the install.

Can anyone tell me why this had to be done this way, with no way to opt out?

Very disappointing indeed.