Norton Generates Documents Misspelling My Name

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

Issue abstract: Documents with Wrong Name

Detailed description: When I try to submit a remove information request through Norton Identify Protection Assistant, the request is generated with the wrong name on it. There is no opportunity to edit the name. I can’t sign a document with someone else’s name on it.

Product & version number: Who knows. Norton360 plus Identity assistant or some such…

OS details: Windows 11

What is the error message you are seeing? Not an error message.

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them: Just trust me…

Privacy Monitor Assistant?
Norton Identity Advisor Plus?

Please review: Contact Norton Support [here]

Thank-you…I did not properly identify that. Privacy Monitor Assistant.

I just learned that it is strictly a LifeLock product and no one at Norton360 can help me. I guess I thought Norton360 was the overarching product–what with the name and all–and since that is the Norton product that I started with.

try LifeLock by Norton - 1-800-416-0599

Oh my gosh. I have been on hold for 3 hours. I was also in the chat queue for 2 hours before the rep took an hour to tell me I had the wrong department.

What did Norton support say regarding contacting LifeLock by Norton support??

They gave me two numbers to call, including the one you provided, and promised me they had created a case number for me, and that I wouldn’t have to wait in a queue this time. I’m still on hold…

Care to share the other number?

(844) 346-3614
