Norton Ghost 10.0 Cannot connect to the agent on MYCOMPUTERNAME




The computer I am trying to run Ghost on is on a LinkSys wireless network.

I was running Norton Ghost v. 10.0 on a generic laptop with fully patched Windows Professional XP  SP3.

Some time ago I noticed that the little Ghost icon in the system tray had an "X" on it and when I put the mose over it it read "Unable to connect to the agent. Service not running...".  I followed the troubleshooting instructions in the User Guide related to recovery when the agent fails to start, verified that the dependencies were running but couldn't start Ghost.


I then decided to uninstall it and reinstall it and couldn't do that.  Get a message about a patch package that couldn't be opened.  So now I am stuck with software that doesn't work and I can't even get rid of it.  Any suggestions? 


