Norton Ghost 11 auto boot from Disk. Restart Problem.

I work in a Configuration Management office. We use Windows 98 Startup Disk to boot into a preinstallation environment that runs Ghost.exe to begin imaging the machine with a ghost we've made. We are in charge of 200ish different workstations that we send disks to periodically that reformat and place on our new ghost. We have an issue currently where we have to send out two disks to achieve this. The reason being that once the imaging has completed the computer is restarted. With disk 1 still being in the drive it will automatically go back into the Windows 98 Startup Menu and begin ghosting again. I have no idea how to change the Windows 98 Startup Disk or to get Norton Ghost to quit restarting after imaging. It would be fine if it boote into the OS immediately after ghost, because the user removes the Disk once installing the software we've placed with the disk using Ghost Explorer. I'm not too technically trained for this position, but I need to find a solution. Any help is appreciated.