Norton Ghost 14.0 not compatible with Windows 7????????

I just upgraded my main computer to Windows 7, and am trying to get access to my image back-ups, so of course I am assuming that since Symantec had "promised" (and I use that term loosely and with anger) a patch of some sort of fix to allow Ghost 14.0 to run on Windows 7, what do I find instead...another "newer" version, 15.0.  So first to tell your customer base that you are going to fix it...but you don't, instead you want us to dish out $69.99 for a new product which does work.  What the %$#@!!!!!!!!  How dare you be so disrespectful to your client base, how dare you lie to your consumers, and then have the bnerve to ask me to upgrade a product that I bought in the last 8 months.  This will be the last Symantec and Norton product that I ever buy.  Other companies have offered free upgrades i.e. BitDefender from 2009 to 2010 (also a much superior product).  You just say oh well, let screw the customer and ask for more money.  I have no idea how I am going to get all those archived photo's back, without either paying for it, or reimaging the computer back to Vista, getting the files and then saving them somewhere else where I can access them with my laptop.  I guess I am going to probably lose my 2 year old daugters bithday pictures after all thanks to Symantecs questionable business practices.  Oh an by the way, I work for Toronto's public school board, one of the largest in North America, and guess what...I will make sure that everyone knows how you operate, and I will make it my personal mission to slanter your company and all of you products.  Considering how I used to only buy your products through the years...shame on you!!!


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Message Edited by shannons on 12-09-2009 08:24 PM