I had a virus on my Window XP SP3 Dell desktop computer. In order to test the Ghost recover capabilities and to go back in time to before the virus, I decided to do a Recover my computer to another hard disk.
I took a hard drive out of another computer that had windows 7 installed. Without erasing anything, I removed my old c drive, installed the windows 7 drive, and did a recover to that old windows 7 drive.
I was stunned and amazed when the computer booted right up and everything was there. Thrilled.
However, there is one problem. Each time that I reboot the computer, it states that 'no bootable device exists'. F1 or F2 to enter setup. If i enter setup, and go to edi configuration, it shows the drive. If I go to the drive and have it re-look at the drive, and then exit, the computer boots up perfectly. Only to repeat the next time I reboot.
I am wondering if there was a switch that I did not set during the recover. I did select make it bootable, but I did not select the mbr switch.
I am absolutely thrilled with the capability of Ghost 14, but I could use a little help on this topic because if I go to fix customers computer, they are not going to enjoy the re-booting process. I now require all clients to have Ghost and an external drive for backups, if I can fix this little glitch, all will be well. Thanks.