Norton Ghost 14 - Deleting Previous Backups?

Hello, this is my first norton product so bear with me.


I have Ghost 14 installed and running and currently I am testing by backing up the my documents folder to a network drive.   The backup works fine and I have tested the restore succesfully as well.  


However, this is going on multiple computers (once I test and approve the single user that I have currently).   I plan to install it on a handful of my office computers so that they backup when the user logs out.


However, wont the destination networked drive get full very quickly?   I know there are quotas in Ghost but is there a way to just say "Keep the last 3 backups then overwrite them"?


Backup Day 1 -   Backup Set 1

Backup Day 2 -   Backup Set 2

Backup Day 3 -   Backup Set 3

Backup Day 4 -   Backup Set 1 (overwriting Day 1's stuff)

Backup Day 5 -   Backup set 2  (overwriting Day 2's stuff)

 and so on....



I dont want to use the quotas because different machines have different amounts of data to backup and it varies greatly.   


Any suggestion could really help.   

Message Edited by Zephirus on 10-20-2008 11:47 AM