Norton Ghost 14 ED800012 -- Windows Vista 64

I'm receiving the following error message:

Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\). Error ED800012: The internal structure of the image file (CRC Check) is invalid, damaged or unsupported.

Details: 0xED800012

Source: Norton Ghost




I've spoke with support on the phone on 3 separate occasions over the last 7 days. The last rep told me that this is a known issue with Norton Ghost 14 and Vista. He says that it is caused when you have a large amount of data combined with a large destination drive and have verify turned on. He said to run this without verify turned on.



1) Dual internal eSata drives in Raid 0

2) External Seagate FreeAgent 750gb




What I have tried:

1) Chkdsk /r on internal and external drives

2) The external drive using eSata and Firewire connections

3) IRPStackSize = 45

4) Reducing the size of the files from 10gb to 100mb

5) No compression, standard compression and high compression

6) Ignore bad sectors

7) Disable smart sector turned on




Would anyone have any suggestions and/or confirm that Symantec is indeed working on a solution?