I have a windows XP pro SP3 machine, i am backing up my C: drive daily to an external WD 500GB (a FAT32 drive) , using standard compression.
this worked for me for several months since I installed NG14
suddenly i got this error message. I ran chkdsk on all the drives as advised in the KB, did not find anything nor helped solved the problem.
I tried changing the backup destination to another drive (D:, which is NTFS), still same error. my assumption is may be not be able to read from the source drive (C:) for some reason, or maybe its something else. my Windows machine runs fine otherwise.
all my norton programs are updated with liveupdate
BTW, I am new to this forum, is this the only way to get support from symantec regarding NG14? their web site does not seam to offer online live help for this product, like for example for the N360.
any help appreciated