any one can help me on this ,
i just bought Norton Ghost 15.0 and i want to clone my old system as an image for backup purpose.and i noted that 15.0 version dont have this kind of backup. please help...
any one can help me on this ,
i just bought Norton Ghost 15.0 and i want to clone my old system as an image for backup purpose.and i noted that 15.0 version dont have this kind of backup. please help...
any one can help me on this ,
i just bought Norton Ghost 15.0 and i want to clone my old system as an image for backup purpose.and i noted that 15.0 version dont have this kind of backup. please help...
Hi Deric,
Thanks for your reply,
Btw, i was trying to clone the Hard drive is not the one installed ghost. what i need is same as ghost 8.2 version clone HDD to HDD or HDD to image.
Is that any way can be done in ghost 15.0?
tcp01315 wrote:Hi Deric,
Thanks for your reply,
Btw, i was trying to clone the Hard drive is not the one installed ghost. what i need is same as ghost 8.2 version clone HDD to HDD or HDD to image.
Is that any way can be done in ghost 15.0?
Ghost 15 doesn't use the term "Clone" anymore, it was replaced with "Copy My Hard Drive" and it works the same way as a "Clone".
To use the CMHD function you need to install Ghost 15 on the computer, and as I said before if the C: drive contains your O/S and boot instruction simply couple the new HDD to the pc and select CMHD and Ghost 15 will "Clone" your drive.
You can also create an "image or recovery point" by running a backup of the C: drive and that image can be used to clone another HDD so long as it is fitted in the same computer using the image - transfer method using Ghost 15.
I am not conversant with Ghost 8.2 but you might want to look at Ghost 15s replacement, SSR 2013 when a HDD can be "Cloned" and fitted to another computer.
ok i was able to copy my HDD1 to HHD 2 for backup now , but the problem is when i trying to boot up the backup HDD2 is not able to loading the windwos....and i already selected the ( copy MBR)....
tcp01315 wrote:Deric,
when i trying to boot up the backup HDD2 is not able to loading the windwos......
Can you describe what you see when it fails?
Which OS are you using?
the one i backup HDD is windwos XP sp3, and the norton ghost i was installed in win7 pc. when i trying to boot up the backup HDD the screen is black and only have this _ keep bling
Thanks. Can you post a screenshot of Disk Management with all drives attached?
Thanks again. We'll have to wait until your images are approved before we can see them. I know you can see them.
Which OS was installed first. WinXP or Win7?
What did you do with the HDs after Copy Drive completed? Did you remove both internal HDS and install the clone or something else? In the something else category did you swap the WinXP drive for the clone and leave the Win7 drive in place?
In the computer before cloning, was Win7 on HD0 and WinXP on HD1?
OK. I can see your images. I can't see the WinXP partition? Where is it? I thought you had 3 HDS. Can you post a screenshot of Disk Management with all drives connected?
I note you have a C_Drive001 file. Is that for WinXP or Win7?
Is your computer dual boot? Can you boot both WinXP and Win7 in that computer? Or is the WinXP drive from another computer?
ok the scenarios is like this now i got one PC with win7 installed ghost , one win xp PC with IDE HDD and one empty SATA HDD ,
now i want to backup the Win xp PC with IDE .
so i connect win xp PC with IDE and empty SATA HDD to my win 7 pc with norton ghost.
and copy from win xp PC with IDE to empty SATA HDD.
Let's get this clear in my mind. Computer A has Win7 installed. You took a drive from Computer B and put it in Computer A. Then you ran Copy Drive on that drive to another HD. You then put the cloned drive in computer B and it booted to a flashing cursor. Is that correct?
Sorry, you can't do that. You must have Ghost installed on Computer B if you want to clone a drive from Computer B. Drive Geometry reasons. It might work occasionally but usually it fails.
yes u r rite..
wow....then i need to buy alot of ghost .....=.= some more i need to back up one win 2k pc ........
Brian is right,it takes a while to understand what you are doing, you can't swap around like that with Ghost 15.
Like I said in message 4 you will need to try SSR 2013 if you are swapping from one computer to another computer.
You can download a trial of SSR 2013 download both Installation and Recovery ISOs and burn both onto CD.
Install SSR 2013 on to say computer A and backup that drive C: including the partitions.
Then install new drive in computer B and transfer the image onto the drive and tick the box "restore anywhere".
That is in effect "cloning" the drive using the Image-Restore method and making it work in another computer.
If that is what you want to achieve then invest in SSR 2013.