Norton Ghost 15.0 Cannot repair or uninstall - Get message "MSI Uninstall Driver Function Failed"

I had Norton Ghost installed on my computer and it worked for many months.

I noticed it stopped loading on startup.  No icon. and not listed in programs.


I have tried to repair with Original CD.

I get the follwoing error:

Error 1720.  There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.  A script required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor.  Custom Action UninstallGenericMountDriver. B24ECCE6_4EE4...


I have tried to uninstall (remove) though add remove programs and CD

I get the following error:

ERROR: Failed to have success running UninstallDriver function in MSIUninstallDriver Function. (2 times)

ThenWith using add remove programs

Add remove program

Fatal error during installation 


System info.

Windows XP SP3

Norton Internet Security

I have tried turning off NIS.


NGhostInstall log shows 4 instances of "return value 3