Norton Ghost 15 - Backup system hard disk


I am old user Norton Ghost.

I got in computer 2 hard disk:

1. System disk

2. Dysk for movies/documents/backup System disk

Few weeks ago i buy Windows 7and install new system and do like always backup via Norton Ghost 2003 ( i create long time ago CD to backup and restore system disk).

After Few weeks i try restore via Ghost 2003 like always but not working ( system not boot ) - so i decide to buy new Norton Ghost 15.

After buy Norton Ghost 15 i install again system and try create a CD for backup/restore system disk - but i can`t find this option!

I create a CD via Taks>Create Custom Recovery Disk CD but not working good - he do backup a partition not whole hard disk!!

Like everyone know Windows System Disk got normal partition and hidden partition ofc i try backup both bot after recover got this same problem - Windows don`t boot - looks like problem with MBR  or something like this - ofc i select option to backup and recover MBR.

Anyone can tell me how create normal CD like old Norton Ghost 2003 to restore and backup whole hard disk?

I don`t need any other option i only need backup whole disk with all partition ( Compressed Clone HDD )


Thanks for help