Norton Ghost 15 corrupt image file

Hi everybody.

I have just made a backup of my secondary partition (Drive J:) before changing my laptop's HDD.

The image file came out corrupt, most probably because of the drive's corrupted content.


Now I'm trying to open the image file to recover some files, but:

  • A) Recover point browser crashes when trying to open the image file. I can stop auto-detection, and browse to the image file, but it crashes on load.
  • B) The recover point cannot be copied and decompressed as the copy option reports that the target of the recovery point cannot be mapped ( Error E1AD3BB6, can't tell the exact English message as I get it in Spanish). Might be caused by my secondary drive letter now being D:, and the partition being larger.


What can I do to recover whichever files are not corrupt in the recovery point?

Is there anything similar as the old ghost explorer's -corrupt option?

Thanks in advance,
