Norton Ghost 15 Migration to new notebook HDD



For migration from my notebook’s current HDD to new HDD wit bigger capacity I used the next procedure using Norton Ghost 15: 1) backup my current HDD to an USB HDD; 2) replace the old HDD with the new one; 3) recover from backup to the new HDD by Custom Repair Disk.


This procedure I used successfully many times with different Windows versions.


Recently I need to do such migration from my notebook’s current HDD (Seagate Momentus 500 GB) to new one (Seagate Momentus XT 750 GB). OS is Windows 7 Professional.


All was fine but after migration some services are not started (Search indexing, Windows Update). The SFC utility reports corrupted system files. I have tried to make new backup from original disk and retry recover to the new one. But the result is the same (the same services cannot start under new environment). Windows troubleshooting utilities are not able to fix up corrupted files.


Is there some fix up of that situation?


Thank you,
