I'm using Ghost 15.0 since his release date last winter. Since 3 or 4 weeks I have a problem. On every Saturday I make a complete Backup from my system to an USB External Drive. The job starts running as scheduled and hangs up while creating a Recovery Point. The access control light on the USB Drive stopped flickering after a while too. When I want shutdown the computer at this time Windows hangs on shutdown process and I must swich off the machine manually. When I delete, after a new start, all old Recovery Ponits manually in Ghost or formatting the target drive new, Ghost can succesful create the backup. But the same problem will be there by the next full backup.
Has anyone an idea what the problem could be? Is there maybe an protocol- or cataloge file, similar the Catalog.dat by Error E4BC0012 (Backup Files and Directorys), I must delete for sucessful running of Ghost for the next scheduled time?
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate full patched and Ghost Build
Did you have a previous version of Ghost before Ghost 15?
I know you said after a format, the recovery point creation is successful the first time. However to make sure there are no problems with the USB drive, please do a chkdsk X: /r replacing the X with the drive letter of your USB drive.
Also go ahead and perform a chkdsk C: /r to check your system drive. When you enter this command Windows will inform you that the check must be scheduled for the next reboot. Please answer yes to this and then restart your computer.
After running chkdsk on both drives, does the problem still exist?
I have done the CHKDSK Command for the external drive disk and the C drive too. Both had ended with no errors. After that I launched Ghost for a full backup. This one ended successfully but I could not close Ghost after its successful message. The program did not react anymore. Then I tried to start a second Ghost an this could not get connected to the system and hangs by reading in the drives. With taskmanager I could shutdown both Ghost processes.
Now I'm waiting for the next scheduled full backup on Saturday at 10 PM and will tell you the result here.
What are your power saving settings configured to? Are you doing anything else while the backup starts?
To clarify, when you do your workaround the first full backup and incremental backups complete fine? How many drives do you have? What is the size and free space for each drive? Which drive is your source and which is the backup destination? What is the external drive you are backing up to (model and make)?
thank you very much for your answer. My power settings are no energie saving mode. Harddisk shutdown after 20 Minutes. USB Settings Settings for USB Energie saving activatet.
Now is one full backup and one incremental backup stored on the target drive.
There are two physically harddisks partitioned
Drive 1 Letters D, G, E
Drive 2 Letters F, H, C
Here is the drivelist:
Source Drives Capacíty used Space
C 122 GB 41 GB
D 164 GB 45 GB
E 122 GB 16 GB
F 122 GB 27 GB
G 1100 GB 161 GB
H 687 GB 98 GB
Target Drive Capacity used Space
Q 931 GB 261 GB
Technichal Infos Fujitsu Siemens External USB Disk 1 TB USB 2.0
Please let me know, if you need further informations.
Tha'ts an interesting geometry you have configured. Normally I would expect the partition assignment to be sequential with C on Drive 1 (or 0 depending on how you want to think of it). You have pretty good space usage on your partitions. How frequently do you defrag all partitions? Are there any heavy drive writes in between backups? (Video editing is a great example of a process that can lead to massive drive writes.)
I didn't fully understand the USB Settings response, if you're saying you have power saving settings on the USB connection I'd recommend disabling that. I'd also undo the "Harddisk shutdown after 20 minutes" options as a check as well.
When you have the successful backup, how big is the resulting image?
the drive letters I wrote, were these from the view from Windows7. You know Win7 changed the drive letters mostly and sets his onw to drive letter C. When I bought this machine, it has only one harddisk (Disk 0 with 1,5 TB) with drive letter D (view from win7). I put another harddisk (Disk 1) into the machine with 1 TB and installed Win7 Ultimate on it.
Every Friday I let run a ful Scan of N360 and its protocol at the end, there are a list of defragmentation of the drives. When a drive has more than 5% defragmentaionen, I let run the defrag program of Win7.
On the H drive, there are TV recording files, but only recording and not Video editing.
Sorry, for the description of the USB Settings. It's not easy to translate in English from the German installation. The USB-Settings are standard Win7. Please have a look at your machine and I hope you have the same settings.
I now have set Harddisk Shutdown after 9999999 Minutes. The last full backup was last Saturday and the last incremental backup on Thuesday, but manually startet. The next scheuled full backup is on next Saturday at 10 PM MEST.
The data of the result images are:
Full Backup last Saturday
Drive Letter value of v2i file
C 27 GB
D 21 GB
E 5 GB
F 25 GB
G 166 GB
H 13 MB
Incremantal Backup on Tuesday
Drive Letter value of iv2i file
C 1,1 GB
D 415 KB
E 258 KB
F 10 MB
G 344 KB
H 5 MB
Thanks and f you need further informations, let me know.
I want to give you a feedback from last Saturdays Program Run. Ghost had sucessfully made an inkremental backup at the scheduled time without any problem.
Thanks all of you for your help and now I will look to the next scheduled time on july 3th.