Norton Ghost 15 "Unable to write to file" (EBAB03F1)

Norton Ghost 15 used to work OK for me (in 64-bit Windows 7). But now, whenever I try to make a back-up, I get the following...

--Unable to write to file.

---Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified.

---Unable to write to file.

----Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified.




When this happens, the AutoPlay window for the back-up drive appears, suggesting that the connection might have been interrupted.

I've tried the following...


  1. clicking for "More Help on the Web" (but that takes me to a page that says I need to upgrade, when I already seem to be using the latest version -
  2. running a disk check on the back-up drive
  3. shortening the USB chain
  4. deleting my back-up job, and recreating it from scratch
  5. reinstalling Norton Ghost
  6. checking the status of the relative services

But nothing has made any difference. Can anyone suggest what might?

