Norton Ghost 15, Windows upgrade Vista to Win 7 Ult - Ghost MIA

i have just upgraded my system, win vista to win 7 ult 32-bit.  all seemed to go fine, until system restarted after install.  Ghost 15 went MIA.  the first place i looked for Ghost in the 'show hidden icons' (lower right of screen)  -  no Ghost icon.  then i looked for Ghost using the 'windows start ball' (lower left)  - Ghost program folder found, execution icon failed to run, error message  said that the it was trying to point to a missing or invalid location.  next i tried to find the 'program file folder' for Norton Ghost  -  MIA.

ok next step  -

i downloaded & ran the Norton Removal Tool - this removed NIS (no choice) and them appeared to hang.  i assume that it was trying to remove Ghost.  i cancelled the Removal Tool.  NIS was removed (as expected). Ghost still MIA.  i restarted the computer, still no Ghost.  i ran the removal tool again & restarted.  i next reinstalled NIS, ok.  i the tried to install Ghost, the install stopped, stating that there was a new version of Ghost and to run windows uninstall to remove Ghost before continuing.  i ran the win uninstall for Ghost - cntrl panel, programs, uninstall.  i guess that there was some small part of Ghost still remaining, that was somehow confusing windows.  i looked arround the forums and found a new Norton tool - NRnR - Norton Removal and Reinstall.  i ran this,  i removed & reinstalled NIS and then completed.  no messages for Norton Ghost.  i next  tried to install Ghost from CD that i redownloaded from Norton Account Product Orders.  this install seemed to go until it encountered an error that said it could not resolve product ID's (didn't write down all the details of the error) hit ok repeted 2 more times. then the install process terminated and rolled back.  bottom line - reinstalled NIS  - Norton Ghost will not install.  any help would be appreciated.


BTW - i upgraded my laptop prior to doing my desktop (problem above).  all went well. no problems with any Norton product.  live update seemed to fix all win 7 issues.   that's why i proceeded to my destop upgrade !