Norton Ghost 15 won't completely install or work

Just bought it to clone my laptop hard drive to get a larger hard drive in there. Downloaded and installed but the install hung up at the end. It seemed to install but I clicked on the program link... it opened but can't see my hard drive and all data fields in the interface and empty. I tried twice to reinstall. Can anyone tell me what might be happening here?


Windows 7 Professional


2 Gig Ram

No other norton products on computer




Could you run partinfo.exe from C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\Utility. Partinfo.txt will be created in the same folder. Please post partinfo.txt as an attachment.

I uploaded partinfo...  I also used the Norton uninstaller and uninstalled all last attempts and redownloaded (using Norton's downloader) and started a new install and it is stalled at the same final install window with no activity. I also included a screen shot of where it stuck.

Just bought it to clone my laptop hard drive to get a larger hard drive in there. Downloaded and installed but the install hung up at the end. It seemed to install but I clicked on the program link... it opened but can't see my hard drive and all data fields in the interface and empty. I tried twice to reinstall. Can anyone tell me what might be happening here?


Windows 7 Professional


2 Gig Ram

No other norton products on computer


ghoststuck.pnghmmm - reloading screen shot

Once it goes through its various status messages, cmd.exe screens, etc. it stalls on this. But it isn't just a long process, I left it on all day today.  It's not working right even with fresh clean install of newly downloaded program.

tareywolf ,


The CHS geometry is a mess on HD0 and HD1. HD0 is showing as 127 Heads. The geometry issues are the likely cause of the Ghost problem. Even if Ghost installs it won't see the partitions unless there are no partition anomalies.


I can't see your screenshot yet. Hopefully soon.


I think you will have to recreate these partitions. Do you have a spare HD so we could do some experiments? I'd boot from the Ghost CD and do a cold image backup of the 3 partitions on HD0. (If Ghost can see the partitions) Then install an empty HD and restore the 3 images to unallocated space. The Ghost partitioner should create correct partitions. See if you can install Ghost to this HD.


Any questions?


Edit... Which app created the partitions on HD0? I note your SRP is 200 MB which is unusual. Maybe a leftover from a beta Win7.


Edit.. For what it's worth you don't have a Win7 MBR on HD0. But it hasn't affected booting. HD1 has a Win7 MBR and HD2 has a WinXP (standard) MBR.

That is so bizzare, for the life of me I can't figure out how that happened.

I'm also very curious what was used to make these partitions.


HD1 says 11 Heads 59 Sectors

The good new is that HD2 has no problems.


If this is a laptop, are those last 2 drives externals?
