My copy of Norton Ghost got updated to the latest SP1 version 36526 through Live Update.
Something got corrupted, and I now need to accomplish one of the following: Repair the existing installation, or Uninstall and Reinstall.
My original CD installer complains that the installed version is newer and must be uninstalled before it can do anything. Trying to Uninstall from Programs and Features gets me a dialog box complaining that NGHOST15.MSI can't be found.
I tried downloading the NG15SP1 Try and Buy package from HERE. It also complains that it cannot find NGHOST15.MSI. Somewhere (can't remember where) I found an NG15SP1 ISO. I tried burning it to CD, but I find that it is useless because it lacks the "install" directory (which is where NGHOST15.MSI resides on my original disk). If I start that CD up, it doesn't even give me a choice to install Ghost.
What I really need is a version of the Try and Buy package that is complete and includes the install directory, or alternative, an equivalent ISO file.
My only other alternative that I can see is using the Norton Removal Tool, which will be exceeding painful as I will then have to reinstall and reconfigure not only Ghost but also NIS and NU. (Why can't Symantec supply us with a removal tool specific to a product instead of a removal tool that nukes all Symantec product indiscrimately?)
In case anyone has any ideas, here's the situation due to the corruption.
Every time I start the user interface part of Ghost, a dialog box comes up looking for the install CD. If I just cancel it, everything seems to work fine. Also, the same dialog box comes up during bootup, possibly when the Norton Ghost service starts to run. I have already tried restoring the Norton Ghost program directory and program data directory from a backup that preceded the corruption. I did not try restoring the Registry to an earlier state - maybe I'll do that next.
I am running Vista.