I had to restore the Windows XP partition on my Boot Camp Mac machine, and had a hard time finding any information about whether it could be done (and how to do it). The answer is yes, and it is relatively painless, and you can do it using Norton Ghost. You just need to boot from the Norton Ghost CD, and recover by restoring the Win XP image you hopefully made earlier and stored to an external device.
In case you haven't done this, when you boot from the Norton Ghost CD (version 10.0, anyway) on a Macbook, it appears as "Windows", just as if you were selecting between the Mac and Windows boot. It takes a long time to load, so be patient.
Next, it will automatically find all Ghost restore points on the attached drives. Select the one you want to restore. I used the custom restore, which failed, then the fast restore, which worked.
The trick seems to be to leave the "write MBR" option unchecked. I'm not sure why, but that's what worked. When I tried the custom settings, it got almost to the end but then reported failure. The fast restore (or whatever it's called) worked fine.
A better description of the more general process for recovering the Windows partition in a bootcamp setup can be found here:
Using Symantec Norton Ghost 14 on Bootcamp
I just thought I'd put this out there so others in my situation can find an answer faster than I did.
I'll be more careful now to keep my Norton Ghost images safer, like in two places instead of just one. Norton Ghost 15.0 can create copies of selected disk images to a second destination. Don't just drag and drop them, since Ghost needs to update its internal database in order to present them properly in the UI.