Running Norton Ghost 15 SP1 on dual-boot Windows 7 32-bit/ 64-bit HP computer.
As illustrated below:
SYSTEM drive has the boot manager files
Drive C: contains Win7 32-bit OS and Ghost 15 SP1
Drive E: 2nd HD contains Win7 64-bit OS and becomes Drive C when booted up into Win7 64-bit OS
Goal: To maintain backups of both Disk 1 and Disk 2 on external USB drive so in case of either drive failing, can restore only to that failed drive and then reboot up successfully into both Win7 OSs.
1) I'm to use the Define Backup Wizard and not the Copy Drive Wizard, right?
2) In Define Backup Wizard, after choosing, Backup My Computer, is the goal to create one *.v2i image per partition?
3) If so, when I try to select just the SYSTEM partition, I next get a Related Drives screen which suggests adding both the C Drive and the E Drive to this one Recovery Point Set. There's a warning that unless I follow this recommendation, my recovery may fail. Same thing happens if I choose to only backup the E Drive. If I make just one Recovery Set that includes partitions that span two drives, will I still be able to successfully restore just one of the two HDs should either one fail, or would this force me to restore to both drives?