Norton Ghost: Can I copy an external disk via USB to another external disk, thus creating a clone?

I have an old XP desktop and would like to use Norton Ghost on my windows 7 laptop to clone the drive inside my old desktop.  The way I would like to do this is by removing the internal drive from the XP machine and insert it into a SATA device that has a cable to insert into a USB port on the Windows 7 laptop.  The device on the other end of the USB cord has 2 SATA slots for internal type hard drives.


Thus I can copy from SATA1 to SATA2 using this device.  I will have the primary drive from my desktop in the first slot and a blank drive of the same size in the second slot.


If Ghost allows me to select both the source drive on usb1 slot and the target drive on usb2 slot it should work.  All the necessary XP drivers and the operating system are, of course, on the first drive.  The old XP is used in music show performances and if something goes wrong, I want to be able to swap in a clone that I have made in this fashion.  I am making a full copy i.e. making a clone.


Will this work?

