I've done plenty of reading & research & it appears that the only way of deleting files from file/folder backups is to manually select them & select "delete". When I started with the file/folder backup approach, I was planning to use Norton Ghost to delete folders no longer needed. I'm running out of backup space and just did a test having Norton manually delete a folder containing 32 files occupying 4 gb of space & it took Ghost a..long..time after I pressed delete.
My dilemma is that I'm a photographer processing thousands of files a year. All are saved on my HD while sorting/deleting/editing/sending to permanent storage (External HDDs & DVDs). Norton backs up the files as I work on them & has come in quite handy on a few occasions. However, I no longer need the Norton backups for those photos I've either decided to delete or those I've transferred to permanent backup. At this point, I have aver 1 TB+ of Norton File Backups consisting of well over 10,000 (I've specified 2 versions of each), but I actually only need a small % of those backed up at any point in time. Based on my test of 32 files, manual deletions are unworkable as I'm looking at many days of work doing manual deletions.
Can I safely tell Norton to delete ALL file/folder backups? If so, I'll put the photo work on a separate drive partition and do drive images which will be easier to manage in Ghost. Another option would be to use Explorer to delete Norton's 1 TB backup folder & either reinstall Ghost or do the Services/ Rename "catalog.dat" trick.