Norton Ghost PARTINFO.EXE and other woes


I have a 1.5TB Seagate ST31599341AS which is mirrored with an identical drive (soft raid), which is divided into multiple partitions.

When I run PARTINFO.EXE (Version 9.0.36396) I get this, I suspect it's because it's a large drive and maybe be related to this:


Getting partition info from all drives
Partition information for drive 0
Partition information for drive 1
Error connecting to device 2
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 3
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 4
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 5
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.


I am running Norton Ghost 15.01.36526 (latest version from LiveUpdate).

Any way of fixing this...?

Is there a better utility out there other than PARTINFO.EXE, or an update for PARTINFO.EXE?

Anybody seen this before?



Regardless, I'm in the middle of doing a system restore, fingers crossed it works (8 hours to go:).

It would not recogise my local SATA hard drive (to restore to) from recovery disk for some reason (TOTALLY SUCKS :), it does seem to recognise it in Windows.





What are Devices 2 to 5?


I'm in the middle of doing a system restore, fingers crossed it works (8 hours to go:).
It would not recogise my local SATA hard drive (to restore to) from recovery disk for some reason (TOTALLY SUCKS :), it does seem to recognise it in Windows.


What actually are you doing if Ghost RE can't see the HD?


Thanks for the response Brian...


To summarise

a) Specifically The BOOT RECOVERY CD can't see the hard drive. I'll do another post about that to avoid confusion. Windows can recognise it (i.e. running Ghost under Windows 64 bit), so that's why I'm doing a recovery right now.

b) The issue I have at the moment is purely what PARTINFO.EXE is reporting...... that is all that is worrying me right now....


Your questions are most reasonable however, what are these devices? I assumed it would be my local hard drives, but I have built in media card readers and a DVD drive.

Breaking it down (Well I think it is like this):

Drive 0 and drive 1 is a soft RAID mirror. That's what is important.

Drive 2 is another 1TB external drive, this is important as well.

The rest are probably USB/media card readers.


Right now I just have two very specific questions:

1) Do you know a utility to list device numbers with Windows 7 64 bit. Hunting in device manager doesn't seem to be working.

2) Is there anything better than PARTINFO.EXE (Version 9.0.36396) which doesn't "appear" to be doing a great job right now.

Thanks :)

NAlexS wrote:

The rest are probably USB/media card readers.

Sounds reasonable.


You could try


Use partinfg.exe

Then File, Export to Text File. Does it help?


Run partinfo.exe from the ghost\utilities folder when your in windows.


Yup that's interesting. Thanks.


I just got a report about the scamatics of the disk, but it doesn't tell me if it's "healthy". I guess I just have to assume the partition table is fine (yikes!)

I was wondering also (see first post, where I ran it in the ultilities folder) why Ghost PARTINFO was showing no info whatsoever for the Disks (not the devices) - normal?



Alex, can you also post the Ghost partinfo.txt?

Alex, can you post a screenshot of Disk Management? Are all the partitions created by Dell? You didn't change the partitions?

Hi Brian


Everything appears fine apart from what PARTINFO.EXE wants to say it seems.


Part info here:


The Ghost partinfo.txt is:


Getting partition info from all drives
Partition information for drive 0
Partition information for drive 1
Error connecting to device 2
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 3
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 4
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.
Error connecting to device 5
        Error EBAB03EE: Operating System API true failed.


Does this look like a normal PARTINFO.TXT? ie no info about the drive?


Last post had the info from the utility you pointed to (this time file attached).




Alex, thanks. I didn't appreciate that was the full Ghost partinfo.txt. It should be similar to partinfg.txt so there is certainly something wrong. So if the Ghost partinfo is wrong I'm not surprised the Ghost RE can't see your HDs because it uses the same information. It may not be a driver issue.


Also the PNG is helpful because I wanted to see which was the Active partition and it is the Recovery partition. Typical of Dell. Do you know why the OS Games partition is Hidden?


Standby. I'd like you to do some tests to see if there is a File System/Partition size mismatch. This has caused Ghost to not see partitions in the past.


You still haven't answered what you are restoring.


Edit... And also my question about changing the Dell partitions. If so, which partitioning app did you use? Acronis?

Hidden by design right now Brian. I don't want Windows to allocate the drive letters correctly for each partition. i.e. C for the OS partitions

Right now I'm booted into OS Sound Studio partition and I'm restoring via Ghost into a deleted/recreated OS Games partition (both Windows 7 64 bit)... restore appears to be working right now (2 hours remaining)... watch this space..... Well fingers crossed....

Once restored I'm going reboot with Acronis Disk Director CD, hide OS Studio partition and unhide OS Games + make active and hope it boots Windows. I'm then going to restore OS Studio from the OS Games partition (i.e. vice versa).

Then I've got to think about bootloaders. Updating Acronis OS Selector is what got me in this mess in the first place :).

Then I've got to work out why that Ghost boot disk didn't see my local drive earlier (it saw the backup destinatation network drive fine)..... that's the other thread.

Cheers... :)



There's another risk I'm taking....

When I browsed inside the first .v2i file (using the Ghost utility provided), which should be OS games partition, it showed the name of the partition at the top, but no files below it... Even though the file size was about 73Gb. The other partition files show the files within the file using the browser utility. Well we shall see if the files "magically" end up in the partition or if I just get some blank partition restored....

Alex, it is sinking in. So you are dual booting and that explains the current restore and the hidden partition.


Once restored I'm going reboot with Acronis Disk Director CD, hide OS Studio partition and unhide OS Games + make active and hope it boots Windows.


Does your OS Games contains booting files?. At present the Recovery partition is the Active partition as it contains the booting files for your currently booted Win7. What happened with Acronis OS Selector? I suspect it has something to do with your Ghost partinfo issue.

Well that's the 64 million dollar question :).


I upgraded OSS selector (boot strap application that allowed me to select OS's). The latest update basically screwed everything up. It's uninstalled now.

It could have been that one of the OS's was wrongly booting up from the wrong partition which caused the issue (then again maybe not, I ensured both OS's had a "C" drive).


Once I've done a restore I hope to make sure each partition will boot on it's own accord by hiding all other partitions except the OS I want to boot from. If it doesn't boot not it's time to get the Windows 7 install disk out for startup recovery.


Wish me luck :)


Still don't understand why PARTINFO.EXE came up with what it did - I'm not sure I trust it anyway :). I'll run it again after all the restores are done.... hopefully.


NB at present the first two partitions are hidden on the first hard drive, and OS Sound studio is active, unlike the screenshot.


Thanks for taking an interest :).



We've never seen a partinfo like yours. Ghost doesn't like your MBR (and partition table). Can you post a screenshot of your MBR? (LBA-0)

You can do this with Roadkil's SectEdit.


Click Dowloads, Disk Utilities, Sector Editor.


It doesn't require installation. Double click the exe, click the drop down arrow and choose Physical 0 (not Logical C:), Open. Screenshot that window. I hope this helps us proceed.


Sure thing - thanks...

Alex, that is anything but a Standard or a Win7 MBR. When you are finished your current task I'd rewrite the MBR from your Win7 DVD. Then see if partinfo works.

First partition is a DOS partition (Dell utility)
Second NTFS partition is another utility partition (Dell)... also Acronis OSS bootloader files may reside there.
Third NTFS partition is Windows 7 64 bit  (OS Sound Studio)
Fourth NTFS partition is Windows 7 64 bit (OS Games).


From the dump, I see "Press any key to boot to floppy" - DOS? Which would make sense with the first partition.


Assume the MBR is totally seperate from those partitions, i.e. one MBR per disk. I still wonder if I'm seeing DOS.



I'm thinking Acronis OS Selector will eventually reside in the MBR.



Alex, the MBR, LBA-0, is not present in any partition. It is the first sector on the HD. A MBR is present on all HDs and is created when the disk is partitioned or initialized.The text you are reading on the right hand side of the screenshot varies between proprietary MBRs. Ignore the error messages.


I suspect your MBR still has OS Selector leftovers which need to be removed.

To write a new MBR (your partitions will not be altered) ...

boot from a Win7 DVD

at the Install Now screen press Shift F10 to get a command prompt

bootrec.exe /fixmbr

press Enter and it is done