Norton has marked my website as dangerous and blocks others from using it

I received a message on Facebook from someone who can't access my website because Norton has marked it as "dangerous". It is not dangerous. Is there any way to have a Norton specialist look at my site, run tests, etc... and get this block removed?

My website is

Thank you.

png_16061.png = Safe -> Sports/Recreation

Dispute submitted successfully = Warning -> Phishing

No Malware Found - Our scanner didn't detect any malware
Site is Blacklisted by McAfee
IP address:

3 security vendors flagged this URL as malicious
200Status - 2022-11-11 

VirusTotal [here]

1 detected file communicating with this IP address (
Communicating Files (1)
2022-11-11 - 54/71 - Win32 EXE - bAJknLG.exe 

Norton Safe Web analyzes and rates websites to see how they affect your device.

As a site owner or a site visitor, you can submit the website for the Norton Safe Web rating evaluation.

Please follow the steps below for site rating dispute:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the website you want us to evaluate in the search field and press Enter
  3. Click on "Click here to submit a dispute"
  4. Enter the required details in the form and click on Submit button

Dispute resolution could take up to 2 days and you will receive email notification:

Use this form to submit URL which you believe is incorrectly classified by Norton -
Safe Web URL submission portal -

SafeWeb rating of the submitted website will be evaluated within the next 48 hours:

Site owners

If you are a website owner, Norton Safe Web can work with you to provide a safe environment for internet users.