I recently bought a MacBook Pro and installed the Norton ID Safe app for Safari. I have been using and still am using a PC with Norton 360 on it that has ID Safe. Plus I have an iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, all with the ID Safe app installed. My PC ID Safe and all three of my iDevices' ID Safe apps work great. When I open my online safe, I can login in to all of my sites through my ID Safe. Not so on my MacBook. When I click on the ID Safe app icon in my Mac's menu bar, all I can do is launch the website. It won't log me in. I still have to type in my username and password, which ID Safe is suppose to do automatically. What am I doing wrong or doesn't ID Safe work on a Mac runnint Safari? I love my ID Safe and have a lot of complicated passwords which I do not want to have to type in each time.