Norton ID Safe missing with Firefox 6 even after multiple Firefox/Norton removal/reinstalls

As the subject line notes Norton ID Safe and toolbar have just gone missing.  Had been working with Firefox 6 after liveupdate patches (?) were downloaded weeks ago.  But now it's gone.  I've removed Norton (using removal tool) removed Firefox ... rebooted .... downloaded both again and still no compatibility.  Actually I've done this twice.  Any suggestions?


Running windows 7 64 bit, Firefox 6.0.2 and NIS

Hi Joebike2,


You had better upgrade to the latest version of Norton Internet Security and it will take care of the issue.


Please visit the link and download the Norton Internet Security 2012 and install it.


I think this will help.




Hi joebike2,


The compatibility patches for the latest Firefox versions were only released for NIS 2011.  Earlier versions did not receive the patches, so I have no idea why your earlier version was working with Firefox 6.  You should upgrade to NIS 2012 - it's free with your existing subscription

Thanks for the input ... I upgraded to NIS 2012 and still no ID safe.  Additionally, on a second, rarely used computer running XP and Firefox 3.6 with NIS 2011, on which ID Safe worked fine, I upgraded both Firefox and NIS and .... lost the ID Safe feature.  So somethings going on here that I just don't understand ... would be pleased if someone at Norton would comment.

Hi joebike2,


Please check if the version of Norton Internet Security is Else you have to run live update completely and reboot whenever necessary to get the latest updates.


After this step, you should get the Norton Toolbar in Firefox 6.0.


If not,  just check the following two options:


1. In Firefox, Tools-> Addons -> Norton Toolbar 2012.1.0.30, See if it is Enabled.

2. Right click on Firefox toolbar and see if there is a check mark corresponding to Norton Toolbar.






Hi Umai ... I've run Liveupdate 3 times rebooting each time and I've got NIS and no Norton Toolbar under add-ons ... what next?

Hi joebike2,


Try this procedure to fix any corrupted extension configuration files in Firefox:


If that fails, try creating a new profile to see if a damaged profile is preventing the Norton add-ons from working:

Thanks for the suggestions regarding corrupted extension and profiles ... I have tried deleting them in the past and creating new profiles with no success ... but tried again ... and still no success.


I would have thought that completely removing both firefox and NIS and all associated files (e.g., profiles, etc.) and then reinstalling both ... while tedious would have been the solution ... well I've done it a number of times with no success ... hoping someone at Norton has another suggestion. 

Try this out.


Click on view and click on toolbars and see if Norton toolbar is enabled.


If not uninstall firefox,Run the Live update from Norton till it says that product has no more updates to be  installed.


Re install firefox and check if the toolbar appears.Have worked for others.


Let me know if this worked.


Cheers !

Hi joebike2,


Do you see Norton Toolbar in Internet Explorer?


Can you post a screenshot of the 'Firefox Extensions' window where the Norton Toolbar is listed  to be more clear?




Thanks for your suggestion aalim ... tried yet another reinstall ... still no Norton Toolbar.   

Hello again Umai


Norton toolbar works fine in IE 8


Attached is sceenshot of Firefox Extensions ... only extension is Microsoft.NET Framework AssistantAdd-ons Screenshot.jpg

Hi joebike2:


Have you tried a clean uninstall/re-install of NIS 2012 using the Norton Removal Tool?  PapauZ has posted step-by step instructions here on how to use this Norton Removal Tool utility to re-install NIS 2011, but the general instruction should work for NIS 2012 as well.  Just download a new NIS 2012 installation file here just in case your installation file is corrupted.


You can find information about the Norton Removal Tool works in this video.  If you use Identity Safe the Norton Removal Tool should prompt you to save your Identity Safe data, but you should back up your data before running the Norton Removal Tool (Settings | Web Settings | Identity Safe | Backup Identity Safe Data | Configure) just to be safe.  Also note that the Norton Removal Tool utility removes all Norton products from your computer, so keep this in mind if you have Norton Utilities, Norton Ghost or other Symantec products installed on your PC.


I'll post instructions in a separate message on how to rebuild the Firefox extensions.sqlite file just in case a clean re-install of NIS 2012 doesn't work.

Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 * NIS 2011 v. * IE 9.0 * Firefox 6.0
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS

Hi joebike2:


I doubt this solution would work if you already created a new Firefox profile as SendOfJive suggested in message # 7 (particularly when your FF6-compatible Norton Toolbar v. 2011.7.1.3 and Symantec IPS v. 3.1 extensions, shown below,  are completely missing and not just disabled), but if the clean re-install of NIS 2012 doesn't work and you're desperate you may want to try deleting the extension.sqlite file in your default Firefox profile and letting Firefox re-build the entire extensions database.


Firefox 6 Norton Extensions.jpg


Basically, just follow the instructions under Corrupt Extensions Files in the link SendOfJive provided here but delete the extensions.sqlite file in addition to the .ini, .cache and .rdf files mentioned in the instructions.  A Norton employee suggested I try this when my FF5-compatible Norton Toolbar was disabled in Firefox 5 a few months ago, and it worked like a charm - all my extensions, including the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant extension, were still working after I connected to the Internet and re-started Firefox. I had to open and close Firefox 2 or 3 times to get the Norton Toolbar back but it eventually worked.  Please note that deleting the extensions.squlite file works best when you have a disabled extension that is certified to be compatible with your current version of Firefox - if your extension is out-of-date then rebuilding your extensions.sqlite file is not going to work.


Firefox Profile Folder.jpg


Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 * NIS 2011 v. * IE 9.0 * Firefox 6.0
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS



Removed and reinstalled NIS 2012 using your links ... still no Identity Safe or Norton Toolbar ... open to suggestions ... although I will tell you that I've deleted Firefox extensions.ini, extensions.rdf, extensions.cache and extensions.sqlite in the past without success. 

Hi joebike2:


Try re-booting and running a manual LiveUpdate a few times.  It sometimes takes a few cycles of re-booting and running LiveUpdate to get LiveUpdate to deliver the patch for the Firefox 6-compatible Norton extensions.  If this doesn't work, post back with a new screen shot showing your current Firefox extensions from the Firefox Add-on Manager (Tools | Add-ons | Extensions).


If the Norton Toolbar and Symantec IPS extensions are still missing in FF6 after the clean re-install of NIS 2012 and multiple LiveUpdates (i.e., and not just disabled) then the LiveUpdate patch probably wasn't delivered in the first place, so re-building your extensions.sqlite file in your Firefox profile would likely be a waste of time.


Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 * NIS 2011 v. * IE 9.0 * Firefox 6.0
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS



Ran Liveupdate 3 times rebooting each time ... same results ... no Norton Toolbar.


Screenshot of Firefox entensions remains the same (not posted again) ... only extension is ... thanks again for trying to help.

Hi joebike2:


You are soooo screwed.:smileyvery-happy:


I've actually never heard of PapauZ's instructions here not working unless there was something seriously wrong with the Firefox installation.  Given that the Norton extensions stopped working in FF6 back when you still had NIS 2010, it's beginning to look more like a problem with the upgrade to FF 6.0.2 rather than with NIS 2012.  Maybe a clean re-install of Firefox using the "Remove my Firefox personal data and customizations" option is in order.


If creating a new Firefox profile doesn't work now as SendOfJive suggested in message # 7,  I'm not sure what solution other than a clean re-install of Firefox would work, besides just waiting for a few days to see if LiveUpdate finally delivers the patch for the FF6-compatible Norton extensions.  Some NIS 2011 users have actually reported in this thread here that the Norton Toolbar just mysteriously reappeared a few days after re-installing NIS.


RichD posted some information about the Norton Removal Tool here that says in part:


The Norton Removal Tool should remove all of the Norton executable files, like .exe, .dll, .sys files, etc.  However, the Removal Tool will not remove all files.  The ones that remain should only be static, inert files like log files, text files, readme files, history files, .dat files, etc.  These files do not really need to be removed because they are essentially inert and will not conflict with your subsequent installation of any new antivirus product.  If you want to go ahead and manually delete them, you could, but it may not really be necessary.


I suppose it's remotely possible that one of these files is interfering with the delivery of the LiveUpdate patch.  If you're really desperate and don't want to wait a few days to see if the problems resolves itself, you could try deleting all the residual files in C:\Program Files\Norton Internet Security after running the Norton Removal Tool in Step 7 of PapauZ's instructions.  However, there might still be a few hidden files in your C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData folder related to Symantec/Norton that would be a lot harder to scrub off your hard drive.


You'll have to take all this with a grain of salt, since I still have NIS 2011 and don't know how difficult it is to get the Firefox 6 extensions working with NIS 2012.


And just FYI, I noticed that my screenshots in a previous post aren't displaying correctly now.  This happens every once in while, and they usually re-appear after a few hours.


Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 * NIS 2011 v. * IE 9.0 * Firefox 6.0
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS


Hi joebike2:


One more thought.  If LiveUpdate delivered the patch for the FF6-compatible Norton Toolbar, you should see something similar to the screenshot below when you browse through the LiveUpdate reports in your NIS security history (in NIS 2011, I click the History link on the the main NIS window and select LiveUpdate from the Show dropdown list):


NIS Product Update FF6 17 Aug 2011.jpg


If you don't see a recent entry in your LiveUpdate history with NIS Product Update with a status of Success and if LiveUpdate didn't prompt you to re-boot your computer, it's possible that the patch for the FF6-compatible Norton Toolbar hasn't been delivered yet.  That's the case with NIS 2011, at least.  I don't know if this patch (originally released 16-Aug-2011) is actually bundled now with the NIS 2012 installer.


Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 * NIS 2011 v. * IE 9.0 * Firefox 6.0
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS



Hi Imacri


Took a look at update history, there's no indication of any product updates ... just definitions and rules ... possibly as you suggested the "patch" is bundled into the 2012 release.  Tomorrow I'm going to look for my old 2010 NIS install disk and go back to the beginning ... update it and not upgrade if it's possible.  I'll post results.  Thanks.