Norton Identity will NOT allow a second login with same user name

Norton Identity Safe will NOT allow a second login with the same user name.  Here's my specific problem:  eclinicalWeb is providing medical websites (required by ObamaCare) and I have several doctors using them.  They use my home email address for the user name.  Norton will not allow me to use a second login with the same user name and a different password.  Flat refuses with an error message.  For now, I manually edited one site by deleting one letter from my email address and input that manually. As my entire family is on here, please don't ask me to makeup more email addresses.  I already have a problem with that. 

Also: even thought the actual website url is a bit different: IE: mycw # is different and the portal # is different, Norton Identity sees them all as the same website.  UGH.  So at present I cannot use Norton ID to keep track of this stuff effectively making Norton ID useless to me.  Here is one of the websites from yet another doctor's office (they just split from the main group of doctors):

Also: BTW (by the way) Last Pass doesn't have this same issue.