Norton Incorrectly Blocking False Positive for YTD Downloader

Don't really need a solution. A chat representative told me that an Admin or Programmer would respond if I post the issue here. Already tried to post once - here goes the second try!

Norton blocks, removes, and refuses to install a program I have used for 3+ years - YTD Downloader by Greentree Applications. I overrode the latest block and installed it after receiving a reply from Greentree that states that Norton identifies the toolbar portion of their program as malware. I am posting YTD's reply email to me at the end of this post. What is really confusing, is that after I overrode Norton, Norton's own security program shows that the program is currently being used by "thousands" of Norton users!! I'm no programmer, but something is totally awry here!! Also, YTD claims they have contacted Norton about this and has yet to get a response or reply! I suppose Norton is too busy to address conflicts with other programs and address potential FALSE POSITIVE hits!

Anyway, here is what YTD wrote to me. I'd appreciate someone with some sense replying and shedding a little light on the whole picture here!

Bob L.

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We apologize for the inconvenience. We assure you that our application does not contain any malware. YTD is 100% clean and permanently checked for potential threats. Your antivirus program detects the toolbar offered during the installation of YTD as a potentially unwanted program.

This flag is a False Positive one and when the threat notification appears you can click on Details > Options > Restore & Exclude this file > Yes  in order to exclude the YTD installer from being blocked. If the notification disappeared you can open Norton and go to History to search the YTD flag and after selecting it you can click Options > Restore & Exclude this file > Yes. It is important to add YTD to Norton's list of allowed programs.

We have contacted Norton to fix this and we are waiting for an answer. This flag is a False Positive one and if you would like you can report it to your antivirus software as a false detection or contact them.

Best regards,
YTD Support

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