Norton Insight question

Hi Guys


I just have a question about Norton Insight.




I looked at my untrusted files and I found two files called


It says that round about 5 people have them in the Norton community have this file and it was put out a week ago.




But what gets me is when I click on it in the Norton Insight they disappear inside the insight screen.


And when I exit out and go back in they are there again.




It also doesn't give me an option to locate it like the other files.




I have Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote so It could be something from them that may of been realized a week ago.




But does this sound weird or am I just over reacting?


This is the first time I've looked in the Norton Insight for a long time and it probably will be the last:smileywink:




Any info or reassurance would be greatly appreciated


Thanks a lot in advance!:smileyhappy:


Hi AA1,


Use Insight only for "educational" purposes.

The files you describe, are mentionned because Norton considers them as either new or not used by a large amount of users.

There is also the possibility of error, because on one of my systems there is a digitally signed Microsoft .NET file dated from 2005 and used by millions of users and Insight flags it as untrusted and released less than a month ago.  (major error). !

Conclusion: Do not worry, and as long as the N360 Full system scans and your MBAM scans are clean, you should safely disregard the Insight results.

Hope this helps,


Best regards,

Hi Apostolos
Thanks for the reasuurence
I haven’t done a MBAM scan since one of my last threads but I only use it if I’m definitely unsure but nothing has been different while using my computer if I didn’t look in there I would of never of seen it!!

I’ll do my weekly Thursday scan tomorrow and I’m sure it will remove tracking cookies and nothing else like it normally does.

Thanks a lot for the help
Have a good afternoon/evening!

Hi AA1,


Keep in mind that when you are looking at Insight, section Untrusted files, sometimes you will see a red X associated with the entry.

This would mean add the the file to Quarantine BUT,

if it is a Windows or third party legitimate file please do not do so.

Leave it as it is.


Best regards,



Hi Apostolos
I forgot to mention that it has those red X’s to quarantine but I didn’t click it. If it doesn’t come up in the scans then I won’t remove it!

And just to add do you think it’s weird that when I clicked the files they would then disappear in the insight? Or maybe it’s just a hiccup?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

" Or maybe it's just a hiccup"


Hi AA1,


Could be temporary files or hiccup.

Click on the Locate link from the Insight window.

If you want to improve your knowledge about this please see:


Best regards,

Hi Apostolos
Thanks for the link
It makes things a lot clearer!
I think I’ll stop looking in there like I’ve stopped looking in the history!

Thanks a lot!
Best regards :slight_smile:

" I think I'll stop looking in there like I've stopped looking in the history!"


Hi AA1,


I think it's good to run the Insight if you make major changes to the pc, like adding various new programs, and see the newly gathered info.

If no red popup warnings from N360, then just take a simple look at the Insight results.

You have also the Insight idle task which will adjust the Trust Level for any newly installed apps or files, it runs when your pc is idle every 24 hours.



Hi Apostolos
I don’t really download anything if I’m honest and I let the computer to idle every Thursday while performing a full system scan so Norton gets the idle time it needs.

Would you say I’m all good to continue on as normal?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

" Would you say I'm all good to continue on as normal?"




Kind regards,

Thanks a lot Apostolos

Take care :slight_smile: