Norton Internet Secruty 5 for Mac Version 12.2... "could not load the scan engine"

Okay, I've found tons of information for this but no solutions.  I installed Lion 10.7.2.  I got the Norton Internet Security package.  Downloaded.  Tried to turn on the Automatic protect, and this message pops up every friggin time:  "AntiVirus Auto-Protect could not load the scan engine."  Only thing that turns on is "Idle-time Scan."  Everything else the same message pops up.  Uninstalled (twice) and reinstalled.  No go.  Restared and tried liveupdate many times.  No go.  Found the page where I could give detailed info of Systematic and attached that file.  Checked the Library and extensions and all the correct files seem to be there.  Tried everything I've found about it on this forum.  Surely I'm not the only person to have this problem?  Why in the world is this happening? 


   Welcome and sorry for the Trouble you're having. Can you please remove the Norton Completely using this tool (run the Command file) and then Reinstall it again from your Account --> then go here to download the Update suitable for your Computer(Intel/Power PC) --> Run the Package file inside the .zip --> then Run the Live Update and Check.

Thanks for the quick reply.  Unfortunately none of that worked either.  A few new things I noticed this time around, first, when installing Norton for Mac again after using your script removal program, this message popped up twice during installation: 

The system extension “/System/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext” was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product’s vendor for an update.


Also, the package you pointed to for redefining definitions "Power PC/Intel" wouldn't work with my computer.  I had to use the regular "Intel Processor" one.  After installing that, a message that popped up (then dissapeared quickly) said something to the effect of "no longer supported on Power PCs"  which seems strange, because this is not a Power PC mac... It's just a normal I-mac as far as I know.  Here are the specs for my computer: 


Processor:  2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


Memory:  4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 


This is getting a bit aggrivating.  I don't understand why this has to be so difficult and installing and reinstalling takes a long time.  My old version (though subscription was expired) at least scanned files and found things.  This one isn't working at all.  I really don't have the time for this but really do want my computer protected as much as possible.  I thank you for your assitance but really need some kind of answer for this. 

Sorry, one more thing, forgot to say I'm running OS X Lion, version 10.7.3, not 10.7.2


   Can you please restart the MAC and then Run the Live Update and check.


Then can you tell us the names of the folders  in the location:

Go --> computer --> Library --> Application support --> Symantec --> AntiVirus

Thank you do much for ruining my computer. You stupid software has caused my computer to completely crash. I have read that Norton Sytamatics is often the cause for rewriting or overwriting scripts necessary for Macs to run and now I cannot even boot up the computer in safe mode. What do you plan on doing to recompensate me for all the time and trouble you have caused? Not to mention any potential lost data. Why do you sell products that cause problems like this?

I demand some kind of explanation for this.

Everything was running fine until I installed Norton.

I have also read on several blogs that the kernel reboot problem is the cause of Sytamatics programming. How do you defend that?

Look, I may be upset but I still need some answers here. First, if I can somehow uninstall Antivirus in safe mode on my computer, of achieved yet but still trying, can you give me any evidence to contradict that Sytamatics is the cause for kernel problems starting the computer? If I can’t get it running without this problem occurring how do I get a refund? I really want to use the product but not at the expense of going through all this trouble. Please advise.

Sorry for your problems.  It would be hard to definitively rule NIS in or out as the cause of your boot issue, but it's difficult to see how anything you did would have caused this.  But let me try to understand your current state...are you able to boot in Safe Mode now?  If so, then you should be able to uninstall NIS (the uninstaller is in /Applications/Symantec Solutions). After a normal reboot, you can reinstall , if you want to try again.  If not, you should be able to return the product for a refund, though we can't handle that in this forum.


If you do reinstall, you should not need to do the step of manually installing virus defs, in fact the ones you were pointed to are incompatible with NAV 12.x.  Hopefully LiveUpdate will be able to get them (it did not, apparently, after your initial install).  If it still doesn't, we can try to diagnose why not.