Am struggling to get NIS 2010 ( to function with Outlook 2003 SP3.
When a message is composed in Outlook, and I press "Send" the message goes to the Outbox, but it is not in Italics. In other words it gives the impression the message was reopened in the Outbox and closed without repressing the Send button. Thus, when I press Send and Receive, message is not sent.
Reading other messages here, I conclude that there could be a port issue. My ISP did force a switch of outgoing messages to port 587 in late 2009 but that did not seem to cause any problems until switching from NIS 2009 to 2010.
Chat with tech support yielded following recommendations:
1. Turn off Smart Firewall (temporary) and see if messages send normally. Messages then went out normally.
2. In Program Control, change setting for Outlook from Auto to Allow. This did not make any difference.
3. Uninstall NIS 2010 and reinstall. Have not done this yet - pc actually belongs to my elderly mother, is 2,000 plus miles away and it will be a challenge walking her through the process.
Before I chatted with Norton support, we had tried unchecking "Scan Outgoing E-mail Messages". That did not solve problem. In retrospect, I also wanted to uncheck "Scan Outgoing Messages for Suspected Worms" but was not able to do so since that was greyed-out once Scan Outgoing Email messages was unchecked. Could that be the answer I am looking for? Uncheck Scan Outgoing Messages for Suspected Worms and then Uncheck Scan Outgoing E-Mail Messages?
Would appreciate any suggestions/advice particularly in light of the non-standard outgoing port. Difficult working through multiple potential solutions on a PC I can not touch. Hate to consider trying to remotely uninstall/reinstall, especially if that is not likely to fix the problem.