I'm using Windows 7, newest Firefox and newest NIS2010. (All german... so may be the translation to english NIS is not 100% correct)
In NIS2010 Identity Safe contains two features:
1. Logins
2. Cards
I'm using only Logins, i don't want to use cards.
In the configuration of Identity Safe "Options for Identity Safe" under Logins i have checked the first option box (save logins and autofillout)
Under Identity Cards the second box is checked (Choose manuelly card from Identity Safe Menu).
There is no Option to disable the whole Identity Cards! (Would be great to disable this feature here completly!)
Now to the problem i have:
If i login to some web pages or i'm visiting pages where the Cards-Option is triggered, i'm getting a popup from the NIS2010 Toolbar in Firefox for creating a newcard. in this popup at the end there is a checkbox "Don't ask again".
If i check the checkbox "Don't ask again" and i call the same page, the popup is not shown, which is correct!
However, after booting the system the popup is shown again... so it seems, that this parameter within NIS2010 is not stored in the NIS configuration! Bug!!
If i remember, in NIS2009 it was possible to disable the complete cards.
My Question:
How can i disable the complete card feature within Idendity Safe? (So that by browsing websites i don't get the popup to create new cards?)
Thanks for your Answeres!