Norton Internet Security 2013 install prevents other programs from running

I installed Norton Internet Security version 2013 on my Windows 7 64bit system last evening and discovered that a number of my other programs would not run.

1) Outlook 2007 ran, but when I tried to open a mail message, I received an error message.

2) Word 2007 would not run at all. I was greeted with an error message.

3) Even FreeCell, a microsoft free game would not run.

The error messages for each of the above three programs were different from each other.


I did not try any other programs.


I restored a backup to bring my system back to the point just before I installed NIS 2013. I then ran every program I have on my system just to be sure they were all functioning correctly.


Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any suggestons.


By the way, I installed NIS 2013 on two Windows 7 32bit systems and on one Windows Xp 32 bit system without problem