Norton Internet Security 4 for Mac - news and tips

hi all!


Very, very happy to tell you that we released Norton Internet Security 4 for Mac--press release here.  It's one of the coolest things we've ever made and has technology that no one else on the Mac has. Our firewall is truly next generation stuff and I am really excited about it.


We offer application control for the first time, so you can manage which applications touch your network or the internet. It's a cool feature, but it can confuse some programs if not used correctly.  Some tips:


1 - Allow Finder to access the Internet. The Finder is ALWAYS pinging the network and the Internet, so it's best just to add it to your ALLOW list so you don't have any problems.


2- make sure you allow CUPSD to access the Internet, too.  MS Office uses these services a lot and won't function properly if you block that access.


Application control is turned off by default so you don't get a lot of alerts when you first get the product (Mac OS X has a lot of network/Internet access going on and it's best to be prepared!) but it's a lot of fun and once the product "learns" how you use your Mac, you can rest easy, knowing that only the products you WANT to connect to the Internet are doing so.


hope you all are well! thanks for reading! We'll be posting more tips soon...



mac product manager