Hi . I need help pleas. I used to use Kaspersky's, but I found that it was interfering with my Dragon NaturallySpeaking Advanced Scripting operations. I am trying Norton Internet security on a trial to see if it's better, I know someone else who uses it with Dragon. It seems to interfere a lot less, except during the last few days, I found it interferes with my scripting command that opens Facebook and logs in for me. It seems to mess with the password, making it longer so it doesn't work. The minute I turn the Internet security off the command works fine again. I am wondering if this is some kind of intelligent firewall system that learns and is trying to protect my Facebook account. thinking I am suspicious, lol. Could you please find a way that I can stop it doing that, else it means I can't use it. I'd be really grateful of your help. I used Dragon naturally speaking 11.5, professional version. And it's the Advanced Scripting specifically with password entering for Facebook, I haven't had trouble with the passwords for other sites yet, but then Facebook is the one I use most, so perhaps the others just haven't started being problematic yet..
Thanks Kindly,