"Norton Internet Security" and "Windows X.P."

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

June 30th? That is today!  Actually because of the difficulty and the ever unpopular Vista, Windows XP is going to be around for some time. They just authorised computer makers to install XP in their "new" machines....

Where did you read this ?



This is old news and the original poster is correct.  I believe you can still buy XP Pro OEM so long as you have an understanding OEM provider and are happy to shell out for a piece of hardware.


Vista versus XP ... hmmm.  I've got both (dual boot) and work almost exclusively with XP because it is better for my needs.  Read: it works.  It's stable.  And it doesn't keep updating my system (re-boots etc) every day or so.  And most programs work fine with it.  On the other hand many MS product won't work properly with VISTA unless you shell out major $$ to MS to get help.  Other people like Vista or rather, they have little experience upon whch to make a valid comparison OR have no choice but to buy it with a new system.


I hope XP stays around much longer than 2009 but then I doubt it.  MS is Vista centric.  Every resource used to to 'fix' XP means less to fix Vista - commercial necessity, I guess.


The upshot is that it will be cost ineffective for companies like Symantec to offer support to a deprecated OS.  At some point they too will draw a line in the sand and fall into line.


Sigh ...



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I read this last night on the U.S. M.S.N..  In one of their articles, they had a Web Link to the Microsoft Web Site.  Here is the Web Link: http://blogs.technet.com/lifecycle/archive/2008/04/25/what-s-happening-to-windows-xp-on-june-30th.aspx . 


I think it would be wise for symantec to keep Norton Internet Security Products for Windows X.P. going for another five years-or-so because a lot of people seem to be switching from Vista to X.P. and there are a lot of people who currently use Windows X.P.


The thing that does worry me is that Microsoft will only be Releasing free-of-Charge Bug Fixes and Security Updates until "April 14, 2009" and hope symantec does keep on Releasing Norton Products for Windows X.P. for another five-or-so years. 

If I remember correctly you could still install NIS 2005 on Windows 98. I don’t think we have to much to worry when it comes to Symantec and windows XP yet…

Rax wrote:
If I remember correctly you could still install NIS 2005 on Windows 98. I don't think we have to much to worry when it comes to Symantec and windows XP yet...


That is right; however, with today's Threats, symantec will probably just put N.I.S. 2010 - or whatever their Last Release was for Windows X.P.; Users that have Upgarded to the Late-est Version for Windows X.P. - say, for example, N.I.S. 2010 - and symantec Release their N.I.S. 2011, Windows X.P. Users will still receive Updates for N.I.S. 2010.

Monday of this week didn't exactly spell the end of Windows XP, after all. In line with its "end of life" plans, Microsoft did stop selling XP to OEMs and retailers on Monday -- but with some notable "exceptions" which Microsoft acknowledged to BetaNews Tuesday evening.

As of late Tuesday, although some supplies were starting to dwindle, plenty of XP was still for sale across the Web and in stores.

Where is all of this XP coming from, anyway? "[Monday] was the deadline for Microsoft to stop selling XP to retailers and OEMs, other than a few exceptions," a Microsoft spokesperson said, in an e-mail to BetaNews last night.

As exceptions to the general 'end of life' rule, the spokesperson mentioned both makers of low-end Netbooks and so-called "systems builders." Also in the exceptions category, he included shipment by Microsoft of "downgrade rights media."

The release date for  Vista's successor, "Windows 7", has been pushed forward one year to mid 2009 due the the overall lack of enthusiam for Vista. (To say the least). So by about this time next year Vista will be buried and not too soon for many.

I find it strange that MS will stop releasing security updates for XP immediately, considering they just released the revamped XP Service Pack 3 only a few weeks ago.

<< Also in the exceptions category, he included shipment by Microsoft of "downgrade rights media." >>


Anyone interested in downgrade rights -- this is a link to the Microsoft sheet for OEMs on downgrading .


Note that OEMs can only do it "at the request of customers" !!!

Anyone from symantec going to comment on my Question?

Well your first question is one for Microsoft not for Symantec and I would not expect any details from a manufacturer on commercially sensitive information. If you consider that they are still supplying definitions for applications going back several years I would not be too concerned.


But that is just my opinion -- I'm neither Microsoft nor Symantec ...... thank goodness!

I can tell you that Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus 2009 will support XP and Vista just like the 2008 products. There have been no official decisions for XP beyond that.

Thanks for filling that in …

But, whatever Version of N.I.S. I use, do you think/know that will that fully Protect me without getting Microsoft Updates as will be the case come April 2009?

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 07-15-2008 11:08 PM

What do you mean with without getting microsoft updates?

It's not a question of what I think and you have had a statement from a Norton Staffer on what he knows.


I'm not even sure that you will stop getting updates for XP in April 2009 -- I'm not chasing around to find out even though it is my main operating system.

Message Edited by huwyngr on 07-15-2008 06:15 PM

Aha That's what you are talking about.

I thought I read something that support for XP was extended?

Example: N.I.S. 2008 Installed; stop Updating my system (Microsoft Updates).  Would I still be Safe, security-wise, i.e. Virus-free, or would it become At Risk even though my Norton Program is up-to-date?

Stu wrote:

Aha That's what you are talking about.

I thought I read something that support for XP was extended?


But you need to pay to get the support (Security Updates) past April 2008.

Floating_Red wrote:

Stu wrote:

Aha That's what you are talking about.

I thought I read something that support for XP was extended?


But you need to pay to get the support (Security Updates) past April 2008.

I guess you are talking about Norton or Microsoft?