I'm in a **bleep**ed up situation. Yes I'm using the F word because it is a **bleep**ed up sitioation and I'm pretty anoyed.
One problem I had with Norton was that he always deleted a file that he tought it was a virus WITHOUT asking me. Didn't found an option where I could TELL him to ask me.
Anyway... on one idle moment Northon started to scan the HDD. An ok thing to do. So he found some "viruses" on the thunderbird files. Like 100 problems. I ignored them for some days but the window keep poping up. So I just clicked FINISH ALL or something like that.
Now today while I tried to search something in my email arhive I see some corrupted emails. Actually ALL my 3000 emails from the day I deleted the "viruses".
Now, I see them in the "quarantine" and I think I can manualy restore ALL of the files (like 100). The STUPID ... I mean INCREDIBLE STUPID problem is that, in 1 window I can see where the file was, but when I click restore, that window dissapears and a Windows window comes ASKING me WHERE I WANT TO PLACE THE **bleep** FILE. So basically for each file I have to manualy WRITE on paper where it was so I can tell the stupid WINDOW where to RESTORE IT. Like I need it in **bleep**ing C: drive. NO I NEED IT WHERE IT WAS.
I'v read on some other topic that "this is a common problem with all the antivirus". Well I never had this problem with Kaspersky. Guess what antivirus I'm going to buy.
P.S. Yes I know I'm an **bleep**, but I think I have the RIGHT to be an **bleep** when a program like this has some stupid features like this.
1. How can I tell Norton to ASK me before deleting a file.
2. How can I quickly restore the files where they belong.
Ah, one more thing ... not to mention then when you click "restore" ... NOrton QUICKLY starts to delete the FILE again, replacing the correct quarantine location, to the NEW wrong location!!
I'm sorry that this happened to you. Apparently it can happen with several antivirus programs. Please see this support information at Mozilla Thunderbird for assistance and recommendations.
Remove advanced detections automatically if i'm away ON
However this happen with my stupididy because I just click FInish so I can just get rid of that window norton kept showing me. I'm more mad with the other designs norton has. The stupid "restore" options and the fact norton deleted some text (the EXE was text in thunderbird files.
oh sorry I didn't see this post, **bleep**, I wish I help you more mate, it's just one of those unlucky things, as a desperation attempt try turning off the "Remove Advanced detections if I'm away"
I also restored a backup from 1 month ago. Also my emails are still online... however now I need to find out how to make thunderbird re-download the emails from the backup day until pressent.
Hi BigPET, I am a bit confused about what actually happened here. If there were infected attachments in your inbox, the entire inbox would have been quarantined as one file and restoring it should have been relatively easy, as explained in the article linked to by delphinium. If messages were quarantined individually that would mean that they were blocked by Norton before Thunderbird put them in the inbox (Thunderbird puts each message in its own temporary file upon receipt so the AV can scan it and handle any threats without messing up the entire inbox). You seem to be experiencing both situations if I understand you correctly. Before downloading your backups and messages saved on the server make sure you put the Inbox file in the list of files to be excluded from Norton scans.
I am definitely missing part of the picture here, as Thunderbird is designed in such a way that Norton is not able to quarantine individual messages in the email folders - it's the entire folder or nothing, Nevertheless, if you suspect that the problem may actually be corrupted folders in Thunderbird here are a couple of links that will help you repair such folders. Follow the instructions in the first link. The second link provides steps to take to recover messages if the initial measures fail. Do not attempt to compact folders at this point, as doing so, if the folders are badly corrupted, could make things much worse.
I don't know how Norton did it but he did it. I had to restore a backup than redownload all the mails from GMAIL, deleting like 2000-3000 email that weare already downloaded ... lot's of work.
Basically I saw like 100 warnings from Norton. When I looked at where are those files ... they weare in
mail/j549(the folder of thunderbird)/Mail/pop-gmail....../send
replace send with thrash, inbox, etc.
What is even more anoying is that "Recovery" system norton has. I don't know who was teh brilliant mind behind it but ... **bleep** that's stupid.
I mean, in 1 window you can see where the file was. You click recover...
then that window DISSAPEARS and you get a windows window ASKING WHERE YOU WANT THAT FILE RESTORED.
I'm in a **bleep**ed up situation. Yes I'm using the F word because it is a **bleep**ed up sitioation and I'm pretty anoyed.
One problem I had with Norton was that he always deleted a file that he tought it was a virus WITHOUT asking me. Didn't found an option where I could TELL him to ask me.
Anyway... on one idle moment Northon started to scan the HDD. An ok thing to do. So he found some "viruses" on the thunderbird files. Like 100 problems. I ignored them for some days but the window keep poping up. So I just clicked FINISH ALL or something like that.
Now today while I tried to search something in my email arhive I see some corrupted emails. Actually ALL my 3000 emails from the day I deleted the "viruses".
Now, I see them in the "quarantine" and I think I can manualy restore ALL of the files (like 100). The STUPID ... I mean INCREDIBLE STUPID problem is that, in 1 window I can see where the file was, but when I click restore, that window dissapears and a Windows window comes ASKING me WHERE I WANT TO PLACE THE **bleep** FILE. So basically for each file I have to manualy WRITE on paper where it was so I can tell the stupid WINDOW where to RESTORE IT. Like I need it in **bleep**ing C: drive. NO I NEED IT WHERE IT WAS.
I'v read on some other topic that "this is a common problem with all the antivirus". Well I never had this problem with Kaspersky. Guess what antivirus I'm going to buy.
P.S. Yes I know I'm an **bleep**, but I think I have the RIGHT to be an **bleep** when a program like this has some stupid features like this.
1. How can I tell Norton to ASK me before deleting a file.
2. How can I quickly restore the files where they belong.