The fix here was to run ComboFix.exe found at:
When you run it you should have a lot of patience like 2 hours of patience - You must disable Norton Internet Security first though.
This worked at least in my case and I extend this solution to all who suffer the inability to obtain Microsoft Updates
on their Windows XP machines.
Oh and here is more Norton Internet Security genious. It supposedly fixed something after I already did with ComboFix.exe except what does this mean:
Norton Internet Security
Error: 0, 0
Microsoft Windows XP
Norton Autofix Results: 1 item(s)
Installation :: Success
Anyone who can deceifer this awful detailed message reply with with an english explanation becuase its rubbish to me and I am pretty technical. Norton better wake up of it will lose my business. Also the support has gotten really lousy and I understand in addition to the lousy protection I now have to join an additional plan and pay more to speak to a human
and I do not mean that lousy fake , Nathan. Its realy an insult. I think Nathan should look like a robot since he acts like one.
Norton should really fix this and look into why ComboFix does something their software fails to do. I mean if suddenly
Microsoft Updates will not work and I can not get those updates something is severely wrong and my confidence with Norton Internet Security and its Security products is sadly shaken!!!!!
Granted I do not know what happened. When I left it it was running Norton Internet Security 2011,
however to log on a windows xp machine try to do Microsoft updates and be told I can not did not sit well with me especially
because I have a windows XP machine at home that works fine.
Bottom line - I fixed it but not because Norton Internet secuirty detected a problem and fixed it. Hardly
I downloaded, ComboFix.exe from bleepingcomputer's web site something I ordinarily do not do. How could Norton fail like this? Why does some fly by night Open Source solution fix things but all Norton Internet Security 2012 can do is tell me
everything is fine when I know it is not fine. I suggest Norton buy the source for ComboFix and add it to their software tools
I find all of this absurd especially considering my Mom's PC was protected by Norton Internet Security and clearly it failed her big time.
All I can say is Norton has a lot to anwer for. Just for this posting which may help other Windows XP users that Norton Internet Security failed to protect against can now know how to solve their problem
Just for this posting Norton should give me a free year of service instead of asking for more money to give service they should in the first place!