Norton Internet Security renewal

Why is it £39.99 to renew for 1 pc or £24.99 new for 3pcs? is there no discount for loyalty? 

Why is it £39.99 to renew for 1 pc or £24.99 new for 3pcs? is there no discount for loyalty? 


Welcome to the wonderful world of marketing.

Symantec sells its products directly and through retail partners. Part of the agreement with those partners is that Symantec will not undercut the pricing of these partners. The partners in turn are free to set the price at whatever level they are comfortable with for their profit margins.

The price for a subscription Renewal is often more expensive and reflects a "Convenience Fee" for those that do not want to spend time searching for lower pricing, or risk forgetting to renew the subscription and risk losing their security protection.

This has been discussed many times on these forums, so Symantec is aware of the users concerns. 

[personal recommendation]

Find the best price from a reliable vendor and buy it. The key will work to renew your existing copy. ONE WARNING: be sure that the new box is the same product as your installed product!

Stay well and surf safe

I found a low priced NIS 2014 1 User 1 PC. Obviously it's cheaper because it's for 1 User. I think it's also referred to as OEM copy (might be wrong though).

SGFC wrote:

I think it's also referred to as OEM copy (might be wrong though).

It is not legal to sell OEM products separately from the hardware for which they are licensed.  It is not uncommon for OEM Norton products to deactivate permanently if licensing mismatches are detected at some point during the subscription period.

How would I know if it was OEM for sure?

The packaging and CD doesn’t say anywhere. The product key sticker says Norton Internet Security 2014 1 User 12mos RET IN. It comes in a big piece of cardboard. Would RET mean retail?

Hi, SGFC. I managed to find a 3 user 1pc copy on E-Bay, for $25 AU. It's importnant to make sure you're buying from a seller with a good reputation, where ever it's bought.


Enter the product key a few days before expiry, and you're done. Way cheaper than just hitting renew, and paying $70.

I bought a 1 user 1 PC NIS 2014 from Amazon. The seller has a good reputation. The order was fulfilled by Amazon. I paid about $35 CAD. I just hope it’s not an OEM copy. It comes in this big cardboard sleeve with a CD. I’ve had the same one before. It said below the product key Norton Internet Security 2013 1U 12mo RET IN. I assume RET means retail. So I think I should be okay. Plus OEM copies usually just have a CD sleeve and sticker for most products.

If someone knows what RET IN means I’d like to know.

Forgot to say the new one should say Norton Internet Security 2014 1U 12mo RET IN I assume.

This is what I ordered:

Hi SGFC, I'm not sure what RET IN means in Amazon speak. Maybe another user could advise.


If not maybe a phone call to Amazon might reveal the secret !


A Google search seems to indicate a retail version.


Just a reminder that with SOME retail versions, that the product is activated at checkout.

I think it'll be fine. I've used product keys before that said "RET IN" and they worked. It came today from Amazon and it was in a retail sized cardboard box. It included they key on a sheet of paper with information from Symantec and the NIS CD.


Mainly I was concerned if it was OEM or what. But I don't think it is OEM. I also checked an old copy of the Retail 1 user 3 pc version and it didn't say RET or anything. But yeah I am sure it'll be fine and I didn't have to spend $60+ dollars.