I've had this computer for more than 5 years. It came with XP (now SP3). I've always used Outlook Express (now 6).
Live Update every day. Complete scans monthly. No viruses.
A month ago, at about the time I had an issue with NIS 2011, I began to get spam about male enhancement. More each day. Before NIS 2012, my message rules in OE prevented such e-mails. Now the mysterious "Auto generated Norton Anti Spam" feature apparently keeps the OE message rules from working. What's worse, the "Auto generated Norton Anti Spam" feature seems incapable of learning what I consider to be spam (when I highlight the spam and click, "This is spam"). What's even worse, the icon for NIS Antispam disappears about every other day, and when I open NIS to look at Settings-Network-Message Protection, several times a week the Welcome Screen switch (which seemingly turns on the Norton icon in OE6) is turned off, after I KNOW I turned it on and clicked apply.
From what I read elsewhere on this forum, it sounds like NIS2012 and OE6 are incompatible. Is this so? Is OE6 no longer supported by Symantec? Is this also true with other Norton products? I thought NIS 2012 would be more capable than its predecessor, not less.