Norton Internet Secutty 2012 : message "repair in progress" is displayed

Hi, I am using NIS2012 (dutch-version) on windows 7 ( 64-bit)

All worked fine , but today I had some boot-issues and I had to do a systemrepair.

Now NIS displays " reparation in proggress" ( although the system is up and running)

This message is there almlready for more than an hour and I notice aa heavy diskactivity (light on my PC is flashing continously)

Should I keep "reparing" or can I stop the process (which one), 

What do he forum-users suggest.


( note : the process responsible for high I/O is not easy identifyable)


Hi, I am using NIS2012 (dutch-version) on windows 7 ( 64-bit)

All worked fine , but today I had some boot-issues and I had to do a systemrepair.

Now NIS displays " reparation in proggress" ( although the system is up and running)

This message is there almlready for more than an hour and I notice aa heavy diskactivity (light on my PC is flashing continously)

Should I keep "reparing" or can I stop the process (which one), 

What do he forum-users suggest.


( note : the process responsible for high I/O is not easy identifyable)