Firstly, I am the kid playing Minecraft. Not the adult trying to get it to work.
My dad recently installed Norton /w Saftey Minder. (Newset version of both)
When I try and play Minecraft in multiplayer I am unable to.
I am also unable to connect the the news feed or update the game.
I get this error when the program tries to get the news feed:
<html><body><font color="#808080"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><center>Failed to update news<br>java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect</center></font></body></html>
I feel that Norton is messing with the program.
I got my dad to allow the program through the firmware, but the problem persists.
When it is disabled, I am am able to play in mulitplayer, get the news feed and update the game.
Please help!
In an idea to try and fix the problem, I updated Java.
The result was the opposide. Minecraft no longer loads.