Hi everyone,
I want you to know that anyone that is paranoid about someone trying hack into your pc, or etc.. that NIS 2009 does the job it is suppose to do.
Being curious, I checked out this web site: Home of Gibson Research; http://www.grc.com/intro.htm .
Since I like to learn, I find out several enlighting things. I found that my computer is in stealth mode basically. It's like my computer doesn't exist!! Many others and myself here are hiding in plain site! Hows that? There are many that do feel paranoid, so you can check your computer on this web site above. You can google, Sheilds Up!!. and find the site,if you don't want to click on the link above.
I just wanted to say that I do like NIS 2009, or Norton period. Have used for many years and yes I recently had some problems, got them straightened out and everything good.
I don't know if this will be bumped but I wanted everyone to know that this is a good product.