Norton life lock wont open

I have not been able to access my Norton password manager now for over a week. I get a message saying " cannot verify the server certificate? To protect your information we have terminated the connection" There are no updates available. Very frustrating

Any help?? Thanks. Android phone. Black View. Normally sign in via fingerprint. 


No still not working. I have tried everything from deleting, restarting, even standing on one leg facing north... 

Alan Old Mill:
Have you found a solution yet? NPM is fine on my Samsung tablet but has had this error on my Samsung phone since yesterday.

Have you tried restarting your phone?

Are you getting any error messages?


Have you found a solution yet?
NPM is fine on my Samsung tablet but has had this error on my Samsung phone since yesterday.

It was working fine, and there have been no android updates, but yes I will do as you suggest. Thanks for your help :)

The only thing I can think of now is that there may be some incompatibility with your Black View's version of the Android system.

At this point, I am going to suggest that you contact Norton Support and see if they have any other ideas. They have the ability to connect to your device remotely to see what is happening. I have allowed this in the past and you can disconnect the remote connection at any time if you feel the need.   If using the chat function, as soon as you can enter any information, enter "agent please". That will get you out of the chat bot and connected to a human.

I uninstalled, restarted, then reinstalled.

Did  you just reinstall Norton? The restart is needed between uninstalling and reinstalling to clear all app data.


No i fid not, but have done so now…sadly no difference.


No, I hate their VPN, it is so sloooow. I have tried deleting and reinstalling. No difference. 

Did you restart the device between the uninstall and the reinstall? That is important to ensure all the app data has been removed.


No, i am not using any VPN  :)


No, I hate their VPN, it is so sloooow. I have tried deleting and reinstalling. No difference. 

Just touching on this comment you made earlier. You are not using Norton's VPN. Are you using any other VPN product?


Yes, rebooted, and checked the battery settings. As my subscription was about to expire, I renewed it, but that has not helped at all. 

Did you restart your device after turning on the Accessibility service?

Another thing to check. Be sure that any battery optimisation settings in Android Settings for NPM are turned OFF.



It was turned off, turned it on, but still no go

Can you verify that the Accessibility Service is turned on for NPM in Android Settings > Accessibility > Installed Services.


I tried my home wifi and cell data and no change. I can log on via

I have no issues with the password manager on my PC


Can you log into your Norton Account from a browser at  ?

Are you seeing this on Wifi or Cell data? If on one or the other, are you able to check the second network type? 

If on Wifi, are you seeing this on your home network or some public network?


No, I hate their VPN, it is so sloooow. I have tried deleting and reinstalling. No difference. 

So it is signing into your Norton Account that is getting interrupted. The fingerprint access is only active once you are signed into your Norton Account. It 'bypasses' the vault password.

Are you using a VPN? If so try turning it off and try logging into NPM again.

If that is not the case, I would suggest uninstalling the NPW app, restart the device, then reinstall and try signing in again.