Norton Live update "Cannot connect to live update Server:

I just want to inform you that I am a technical support here in The Philippines. And our sell Support your Product Norton Antivirus And Norton Internet Security. Lots of Norton Product I support And Lots of problem I encountered. The One I cannot explain lots of virus And spyware specially made for Norton products. One of The problem is “Cannot connect to Symantec Server” always have virus but I cannot determined The exact problem of The issue. I ask for help to The Virtual Technician of Norton but still they cannot help me. So I tried to Remove The Virus And Sparer Still got a problem ten times that happen to me. So on my part as a technical Staff I need to find a solution to this for The convenience of our customer. So what I do is to back up all The data And reformat The SO And that’s The time that The Norton will activate And connect to your server. Please do a solution or give me a removal tool for me so that this issue is easy for us thank you.