What is wrong with Norton Management ????????
Why can't Norton Management come out with one consistent clear statement respecting product upgrades to NS and see to it that all customer service reps are fully educated about it.?
I don't get it. The current confused situation is shameful for a major corporation.
Don't they know about or understand or care about the current confused situation where frustrated existing customer's are receiving differing experiences depending on which customer "service" representative they get to talk to?
Are Norton Employees who follow this forum afraid to approach Norton Management to inform them about it?
Or does Norton just not care and is simply shirking it's responsibilities to it's existing customer base.
Whatever the reason, IMHO it's a shameful display of corporate ineptitude. I'm certain that in the end it will hurt them on the bottom line.
It makes no sense to invest the time and money to develop what appears to be a great product, performance-wise (still no testing of it's effectiveness) and then screw it up by ignoring, and aggravating some, of the most likely future purchasers of the product that always have and would otherwise sustain the company in the years to come. Norton should have continued its existing upgrade policy and written-off whatever sales it might lose this year from it's existing customers as part of its long-term investment in the new product.
Someone at Norton is asleep at the wheel.