Norton Mobile Security 3.12 for Android now available!

Hi Everyone,

An update for Norton Mobile Security 3.12 for Android is now available on the Google Play!

The FAQ below addresses some common questions:

1. What is the version number for this patch?

    The version number is for Android.

2. How can I receive this update?

    We are deploying the update in a phased manner. We have released the patch to randomly selected customers, and will then monitor our telemetry, as well as this forum, for any problems or issues.  Once we have confirmed the effectiveness of the patch, we will make it available to all customers.

    Later, You can receive the update through Auto Update or by visiting the Google Play Store. Go to Settings -> Help -> About to verify if you have received the update.

3. What are the languages this update is available for?

    All supported languages 

4. What are the changes in this release?

  • The new User Interface is now more closely aligned in look and feel of Norton Security.
  • These UI changes will also apply to NMS as part of Norton Security and Norton Small Business.
  • The user need only accept the EULA (1 screen/tap) to immediately begin using the app.
  • A Norton Account is now only required to use the Anti-Theft and Contact Backup features.

5. Where can I post my queries?

    Visit our Norton Mobile Security forum to post your queries.