Hi all u experts!
I use Norton Internet Security 2011/12 on all my Win XP Pro/Win Vista Home Basic/Win Vista Home Premium pc's. (2 pc's with each version of the Win' OS).
I have an HTC Desire running Android 2.2.2. The 'available space' on the phone is 'currently' 44.37Mb. I don't know how many Mb's the phone has by default before any 'extra app's are installed from Android Market.
I have a 32Gb(actual space = 29.81Gb) micro sdhc card in the phone that has 7.38Gb remaining space on it.
How much of this 'available PHONE storage' would be needed to install and run NMS, and can it be installed on and 'run' from the micro sdhc card?
If it IS installed on and 'run' from the micro sdhc card, can it also be UPDATED while still being stored on the card?
This VERY important as ALL of the app's that are currently 'on the card', (Adobe Reader, Amazon Kindle, Auto Trader, BBC iPlayer, ColorNote and Google Translate) can NOT be updated while 'on the card', even if the Android Market says they can.
This means that each app 'on the card' that has 'available updates' must be moved from the card to the phone, then updated, then moved back to the card again.
Any attempt to update an app 'on the card' will return 'errors' and may even result 'breaking' the app, so you then have to uninstall from the card, re-install on to the phone, and wait a few days for the updates and then update, and THEN move the app back to the card.
After a few weeks there will probably be 'another' update, and the whole process has to start again!
This doesn't even take into account any 'phone stored' app's that may have updates, that will require some of this 'available storage' to remain constantly 'free', so that they can run properly AND be updated without crashing or causing some other unexplained error.
This is such a pain in the a@!£!!!.
I would have thought that when these app's were being written for android devices - especially those devices with card slots - that developers would have thought that it would be obvious that users who run app's from the card would also want update those same app's from the card as well!!!
Is allowing the app's to be UPDATABLE will still 'on the card' even possible?
Thanks for any info,
Many Regards to all present,